Sleep Training Techniques: Methods and Advice

By Nisha Baheti|4 - 5 mins read| July 03, 2024

Sleep training is a common topic among new parents seeking to help their babies develop healthy sleep habits. With numerous techniques available, it can be challenging to determine which method is best suited for your family. This article explores various sleep training techniques, offering practical advice to help you choose the right approach for your baby and ensure a smoother transition to independent sleep.

Introduction to Sleep Training

Sleep training involves helping your baby learn to fall asleep and stay asleep independently. This process can be crucial for both the baby’s development and the parents’ well-being. Establishing a consistent sleep routine can lead to better sleep quality, reduced nighttime awakenings, and a more rested and happier family.

When to Start Sleep Training

The ideal time to start sleep training varies, but most experts recommend beginning between four to six months of age. At this stage, babies are typically developmentally ready to self-soothe and establish regular sleep patterns. However, it’s essential to consider your baby’s unique temperament and your family’s needs when deciding the right time to start.

Popular Sleep Training Methods

Cry It Out (CIO) Method

Overview: The Cry It Out method, also known as extinction, involves allowing the baby to cry until they fall asleep without parental intervention.


  • Can be effective relatively quickly.
  • Teaches babies to self-soothe and fall asleep independently.


  • Can be emotionally challenging for parents.
  • Not suitable for all families or babies.

Advice: Ensure your baby is safe and comfortable before beginning. Consistency is key, and it’s essential to remain patient throughout the process.

Ferber Method

Overview: Developed by Dr. Richard Ferber, this method involves gradually increasing the intervals of time before comforting the baby. Parents check on the baby at predetermined intervals, providing brief comfort without picking them up.


  • Balances between comforting the baby and promoting self-soothing.
  • Gradual approach can be easier for parents to handle.


  • Still involves some crying, which can be difficult for parents.
  • Requires consistency and commitment.

Advice: Stick to the interval schedule and avoid extending the comforting period to ensure effectiveness.

Chair Method

Overview: The Chair Method involves sitting next to your baby’s crib while they fall asleep. Gradually, you move the chair further away until you’re out of the room.


  • Provides comfort and presence to the baby.
  • Gradual separation can be easier for both baby and parents.


  • Can be time-consuming.
  • Requires patience and consistency.

Advice: Move the chair further away only when the baby is comfortable with the current position. Avoid interacting with the baby other than providing reassurance.

Pick Up/Put Down Method

Overview: This gentle method involves picking up the baby to comfort them when they cry and putting them back in the crib once they’re calm.


  • Minimizes crying and distress for the baby.
  • Encourages self-soothing while providing comfort.


  • Can be physically demanding for parents.
  • May take longer to see results.

Advice: Be consistent with the approach and ensure the baby is calm before placing them back in the crib each time.

No Tears Method

Overview: The No Tears Method focuses on creating a soothing bedtime routine without letting the baby cry. Techniques include rocking, feeding, or singing until the baby falls asleep.


  • Minimal crying and distress for the baby.
  • Nurturing and comforting for both baby and parents.


  • Can create sleep associations that require parental intervention.
  • May take longer for the baby to learn independent sleep skills.

Advice: Gradually reduce the amount of intervention over time to encourage self-soothing.

Tips for Successful Sleep Training

  1. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: Create a calming pre-sleep routine that includes activities like a warm bath, reading, or gentle rocking to signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep.
  2. Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Ensure the baby’s sleep area is comfortable, dark, and quiet. Use white noise machines or soft music if needed.
  3. Set a Regular Sleep Schedule: Consistency in sleep and wake times helps regulate your baby’s internal clock.
  4. Be Patient and Consistent: Sleep training can take time. Stick to your chosen method and remain patient as your baby adjusts.
  5. Monitor Baby’s Needs: Ensure your baby is well-fed, comfortable, and healthy before starting sleep training. Address any discomfort or illness promptly.

Common Challenges and Solutions

  1. Resistance to Sleep Training:
    • Solution: Gradually introduce the sleep training method and remain consistent. Offer comfort and reassurance as needed.
  2. Night Wakings:
    • Solution: Address any immediate needs like feeding or diaper changes, then follow your sleep training method to help the baby return to sleep.
  3. Parental Stress:
    • Solution: Seek support from your partner, family, or friends. Remember that sleep training is a temporary phase and will benefit both you and your baby in the long run.


Sleep training is a valuable tool for helping babies develop healthy sleep habits and ensuring a more rested and happier family. By understanding the various methods and choosing the one that best suits your family’s needs, you can successfully guide your baby towards independent sleep. Remember to remain patient, consistent, and responsive to your baby’s needs throughout the process. With time and perseverance, both you and your baby will enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep.

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

Written by Nisha Baheti

Last Updated: Wed Jul 03 2024

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