Dhanishta Nakshatra Baby Boy Names with Meanings - Dhanishta Nakshatra Names for Boy

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Looking for the perfect Dhanishta Nakshatra baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Dhanishta Nakshatra Baby Boy names collection. First of all thanks for selecting us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder - Largest Baby names list, to find Dhanishta Nakshatra Boy names with meanings for your new born or expected baby. At TheParentZ.com, we understand requirements for all parents for naming your new born baby Boy.

This is a complete collection of all Dhanishta Nakshatra Baby Names for Boys , covering traditional or modern or religious, modern, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Dhanishta Nakshatra baby Boy names to help you make the right choice!

All Dhanishta Nakshatra baby Boy names can be viewed alphabetically with their meanings and can be further filtered with various options. You can also click on the baby name to know more about that particular baby name with meanings.

Dhanishta Nakshatra Baby Names for Boy List


Gurjit collaborated with two words guru and jog. Guru means master or lord and jog means union. So gurjog means union with guru.


Love to Gods


Gurjot collaborated with two words guru and jog. Guru means master or lord and jog means union. So gurjot means light of the lord.


Gurkamal collaborated with two words guru and kamal. Guru means master or lord and kamal means lotus. So gurkamal means lotus of the lord.


Gurkaram collaborated with two words guru and karam. Guru means master or lord and karam means blessings. So gurkaram means blessings of the lord.


One who sings praises of the Guru; One pay tributes to his Guru through bhajans and keertans

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Gurkirat collaborated with two words guru and kirat. Guru means master or lord and kirat means songs of praises. So gurkirat means songs of the praises for Lord.


Gurkirat collaborated with two words guru and kirat. Guru means master or lord and kirat means songs of praises. So gurkirat means songs of the praises for Lord. Singh is the symbol name of Sikh religion,


Gurkirpal collaborated with two words guru and kirpal. Guru means master or lord and kirpal means blessings. So gurkirpal means blessings of the lord.


Gurkirat collaborated with two words guru and kirat. Guru means master or lord and kirat means songs of praises. So gurkirat means songs of the praises for Lord.


Gurkurban collaborated with two words guru and kurban. Guru means master or lord and kurban means sacrificed person. So gurkurban means person who is sacrifised on to god.


Gurlaal collaborated with two words guru and laal. Guru means master or lord and laal means beloved. So gurlaal means person who is beloved of lord.


Gurlal collaborated with two words guru and lal. Guru means master or lord and lal means beloved. So gurlal means person who is beloved of lord.


Gurleen collaborated with two words guru and leen. Guru means master or lord and leen means absorbed. So gurleen means person who is absorbed in the guru


Gurliv collaborated with two words guru and liv. Guru means master or lord and liv means absorbed. So gurliv means person who is absorbed in the guru


Gurloch collaborated with two words guru and loch. Guru means master or lord and loch means longing. So gurloch means person who is longing for guru


Gurlochan collaborated with two words guru and lochan. Guru means master or lord and lochan means colored eyes. So gurlochan means eyes colored with Guru's vision


Gurlmaher collaborated with two words guru and maher. Guru means master or lord and maher means blessings. So gurmaher means blessed from lord.


Gurlmail collaborated with two words guru and mail. Guru means master or lord and mail means friend. So gurmail means friend of guru.


Heart of the Guru; Spirit of the Guru; Soul of the Guru


Gurlmandeep collaborated with two words guru and mandeep. Guru means master or lord and mandeep means lamp. So gurmandeep means lamp of guru.


Gurmanshu collaborated with two words guru and manshu. Guru means master or lord and manshu means all knowing. So gurmanshu means all knowing about guru.


Gurmant collaborated with two words guru and mant. Guru means master or lord and mant means counsle So gurmant means one with guru's counsle.


Gurmantar collaborated with two words guru and mantar. Guru means master or lord and mantar means incantation So gurmantar means incantation of guru.


Friend of Guru; A companion of the Guru; A variant spelling is Gurmit

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