Krittika Nakshatra Baby Unisex Names with Meanings - Krittika Nakshatra Names for Unisex
Expecting a baby is just the beginning of expecting some of the life's most cherished moments. Congratulations on this beautiful journey!
Looking for the perfect Krittika Nakshatra baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Krittika Nakshatra Baby Unisex names collection. First of all thanks for selecting us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder - Largest Baby names list, to find Krittika Nakshatra Unisex names with meanings for your new born or expected baby. At, we understand requirements for all parents for naming your new born baby Unisex.
This is a complete collection of all Krittika Nakshatra Baby Names for Unisexs , covering traditional or modern or religious, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Krittika Nakshatra baby Unisex names to help you make the right choice!
All Krittika Nakshatra baby Unisex names can be viewed alphabetically with their meanings and can be further filtered with various options. You can also click on the baby name to know more about that particular baby name with meanings.
Krittika Nakshatra Baby Names for Unisex List
Name | Gender | Meaning |
Boy | word aadhev means First, Most eminent or exalted | |
Boy | aadhi means beginning, it sometimes also means friendly, imagination, creativity, expression, energetic, Tamil Actor Aadhi | |
Boy | First god | |
Boy | Lord Shiva, A variant of Sanskrit name Adhikara which means Principal | |
Boy | One who is Ideal for Others | |
Boy | The name means one who acts with justice and fairness, moderate, virtuous, excellent in character | |
Girl | The name aadhila means Honesty, the one who is Scrupulous with regards to telling the truth | |
Boy | One who is beginning of Everything, Source cause of everything | |
Boy | The First God; A name form of Lord Vishnu | |
Girl | Moon, To sentimentalize and remember nostalgically | |
Girl | A Special Star | |
Boy | Any One; it is also considered as one of many names of Lord Vishnu | |
Boy | King, Emperor, Ruler, Person with supreme power | |
Boy | Sri Shankaracharya; Founder of Adwaitha Philosophy ; A name formed after Lord Shiva as Shankar | |
Boy | Modern; New; Latest; a name variant of Adhunik | |
Girl | aadhya means the The first power, the Beginning, it is also an another name of Goddess Durga | |
Boy | First; Most Important,Beginning; Starting; Source form of life | |
Boy | the hindu word aadidev means First of God, the one closest to the almighty, The First God | |
Boy | The First Victory ; Success; | |
Boy | aadil means righteous, high in moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious, Just, Upright, Justice | |
Girl | the female counterpart of aadil, which means a person with justified morality, Just, Upright, Justice | |
Boy | Supreme Being ; A variant of name Aadimoolan | |
Boy | The name aadimoolan means Dominant, supreme, Supreme Being | |
Girl | the name aadina has a meaning of delicate, slender it also has a meaning of Friday | |
Boy | God; Supreme Ruler of the Universe; The First God |