Purva Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby Unisex Names with Meanings - Purva Phaluguni Nakshatra Names for Unisex

Expecting a baby is just the beginning of expecting some of life's most precious moments. Congratulations!

Looking for the perfect Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra baby name? Welcome to The ParentZ complete list of Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby Unisex names collection. First of all thanks for selecting us, The ParentZ Baby Name Finder - Largest Baby names list, to find Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra Unisex names with meanings for your new born or expected baby. At TheParentZ.com, we understand requirements for all parents for naming your new born baby Unisex.

This is a complete collection of all Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby Names for Unisexs , covering traditional or modern or religious, modern, trendy, popular, cute, short and sweet and easy to pronounce Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra baby Unisex names to help you make the right choice!

All Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra baby Unisex names can be viewed alphabetically with their meanings and can be further filtered with various options. You can also click on the baby name to know more about that particular baby name with meanings.

Purva-Phaluguni Nakshatra Baby Names for Unisex List


Love; Attraction; Liking; Wishing; Craving; Wanting


Giving radiant light to every one, the one who is being bright and shining to others


Giving shining and powerful light, like the brightest Sun in the space


The follower of Mohammad, the choicest one


One who can win hearts with his Attraction; Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable


Attractive; Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable

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The truth speaking person, always stand for the truth and never let it down


Attractive; Appealing; Lovable; Likeable; Pleasing; Charming; Desirable


A special loved one, always loving and adorable to others


Reliable, always worthy of trust and belief, worthy of high responsibility


The servant of Mohammad


The one who is chosen upon


The chosen one, who is the great choice


The most important and precious part of human body, which give light to our path; eyes


The Red Cow, which is praised to be as Holy Cow for sacrifice


Excellent in drawing, highest quality of Art talented person


One who is chosen by the Almighty


Vastness, Magnitude in size, greater than anything


Blessed by being a chosen one


The one who is the choice of Allah


A Gift from the Almighty God; Charming, Fascinating, Lord Krishna


Lovingly & Affection; One who loves to be beautiful; One who likes to be appealing and charming


An elevated geological formation of the mountain, slope of the hill yup


The one who always makes his waist strong by wearing a belt or girdle around it


One who can be equal to the almighty and most high God who has created this whole World.

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